10 Ideas For A Mom To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated every year on March 21st. The date March 21st was chosen because people born with Down Syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome. Most people have two.
Hey Mama Bears, full disclosure here. There are affiliate links in this post so if you click on the link and buy the product I will earn a small commission. Now that we’re clear on that let’s get back to rocking life with special needs!
World Down Syndrome Day is a day to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and to celebrate the lives of people with Down Syndrome. We know our children are fabulous and every day I try to share just how fabulous Max is but on March 21st I take the opportunity to do a little bit more!
Having a child with Down Syndrome has been one of the greatest joys in my life as well as one of the greatest struggles. Some parents of children with Down Syndrome refer to us as the “lucky few.”
To be honest, I’m not sure if I believe in luck. I did not feel lucky when we were told Max would be born with Down Syndrome. In fact, I felt quite the opposite.
I grieved his diagnosis and that’s ok. We are entitled to our feelings even if they’re negative. Sometimes I feel in our mission to advocate for our children we force ourselves into this toxic positivity where we refuse to acknowledge that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. We’re so desperate for others to see our children’s worth that we’re scared to admit the challenges. It’s hard at times and it’s also wonderful. I think that basically sums up parenting in general doesn’t it?
I do believe that in life we cannot always choose what happens to us but we can control our response to it. Once I started to focus on that core belief I was able to process my grief and start becoming the parent I wanted to be for my son with Down Syndrome.
I’ve always said the hardest part about raising Max isn’t so much raising Max but rather trying to get others to see what he brings to the world. To recognize his potential. To believe in him. To understand he’s just as important and precious as a child who was not born with Down Syndrome. That’s the hard part.
The way he lights up and yells “Mom” and runs towards me to engulf me in the biggest hug ever when I pick him up from practice or school, the way he makes us all laugh when dances in the middle of the living room, or the way Christmas is and will always be magical through his eyes…those are the wonderful things.
So on World Down Syndrome Day I celebrate Max and other individuals born with Down Syndrome with a happy heart and a smile on my face. I spread awareness and plant seeds of acceptance to the best of my ability.
There are many ways to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate the lives of people with Down Syndrome. Here are a few ideas though you can do to help raise awareness and celebrate the unique gifts that people with Down Syndrome bring to our world.
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #1
Wear crazy socks.
On most days people want their socks to match but on March 21st people around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks!
Socks were chosen because the karyotype of Down Syndrome chromosomes actually looks like mismatched socks.
So rock those socks on March 21st by wearing the brightest and loudest socks possible. Whenever you catch someone looking at you with the side eye tell them it’s World Down Syndrome Day and you're rocking your socks for your child with DS. This could potentially lead to an opportunity to tell complete strangers how awesome your kid is!
If you tend to shy away from crazy socks and need a pair in order to be ready for March 21st then check out John’s Crazy Socks. John is a business owner who just happens to have been born with DS and sells fun and zany socks!
If you’re a fan of Amazon there are socks promoting DS awareness on there!
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #2
Visit your child’s class and talk about Down Syndrome
World Down Syndrome Day is the perfect opportunity to go into the classroom and talk about Down Syndrome! I did this for several years when Max was in elementary school. It was met with a lot of enthusiasm and was such a positive experience.
If you’re not quite sure how to go about it then you’ll want to check out my blog post How To Talk To Your Child’s Class About Down Syndrome. If you’re part of the Mama Bear Crew you’ll have access to a complete presentation I put together for you!
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #3
Wear blue and yellow.
The colors for Down Syndrome awareness are blue and yellow which happen to be two of my favorite colors!
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #4
Support a business owned by someone with Down Syndrome or that supports people with DS.
I love this one SO much! What better way to support people with Down Syndrome than by buying from and promoting their businesses?! These businesses are owned by people with Down Syndrome.
Check out Self Advocate Business page on the NDSS website for more fabulous businesses owned by self advocates!
You can also check to see if there’s a Bitty and Beau’s Coffee near you. Bitty and Beau’s Coffee was started by the Wright family. Here is their About Us on their website below…
Amy & Ben Wright are the proud parents of four children — Lillie, Emma Grace, Beau and Bitty. Lillie was born with autism, and Bitty & Beau were born with Down syndrome.
With over 80% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities unemployed nationwide, the Wrights believe that Bitty & Beau’s Coffee creates a path for people with disabilities to become more valued, accepted and included in every community.
The original shop opened January 2016 in Wilmington, NC, and employed 19 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
We do not have a Bitty and Beau’s here in Erie but I would LOVE to visit one someday!
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #5
Read a book about Down Syndrome at your child’s school.
If you’re too nervous to go into your child’s class to talk about Down Syndrome then scale it down and simply go in and read a book about Down Syndrome during story time. If you don’t have a book in mind then check out these books!
Now I do want to give you a heads up about the book Taking Down Syndrome to School. It does address the use of the R-word. If this is an issue for your child’s class this may be the book you want to read. If not or if you’re going to be extremely uncomfortable reading about the R-word in front of your kid’s class then choose a different book!
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #6
Perform a random act of kindness.
Spread kindness and DS awareness at the same time! Perform a random act of kindness and leave a postcard with DS facts explaining it’s World Down Syndrome and the act was done in honor of a loved one born with DS.
Here are a few random acts you can do if you need ideas…
Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.
Leave quarters at the laundromat
Pay the library fees for someone
Drop off cookies at your doctor’s office
Pay the bus fare for someone
Find a free library in your neighborhood and drop off some books
Go to a dog park and hand out dog treats
Paint rocks and leave them around your community
Leave a basket of essentials and surprises on the doorstep of a family you know is struggling
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #7
Share your story.
Stories are powerful. Share your experience raising a child with Down Syndrome on your social media platform of choice.
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #8
Donate a book about Down Syndrome.
Donate a book about Down Syndrome to your local library or a kid’s book about Down Syndrome to your child’s school library. Here are a couple of ideas of adult books to donate…
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #9
Send in a Down Syndrome themed special treat to school.
Often we’ll send in DS themed cookies to Max’s class. Now that he’s in high school we’ll send in a box of cookies for him to hand out or place in the teacher’s lounge. A sugar cookie in the shape of a ribbon frosted in yellow and blue with sprinkles is simple and DS themed. Below is an example of cookies we’ve ordered from a local business and sent in to the school.
Cookies to celebrate World Down Syndrome Awareness day.
How To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Idea #10
Get some “lucky few” gear or tattoo.
The “lucky few” tattoo is a simple design of three arrows stacked on top of one another. The three arrows represent the three 21st chromosomes and how we rise up and move forward. It’s a popular tattoo among parents of kids with DS. If getting a permanent tattoo isn’t something you want to do then buy some lucky few gear to sport.
So there you have it Mama Bears!
10 Ideas for a Mom to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. If you enjoyed this post then be sure to check out…
How To Talk To Your Child’s Class About Down Syndrome
What To Do When Someone Uses The R-Word
5 Morning Routine Ideas To Make Life Easier For The Special Needs Mom
Dandelion Tribe Takeaway: 10 ideas to celebrate WDS are #1 Wear crazy socks #2 Go into your child’s class and talk about DS #3 Wear blue and yellow #4 Support a business owned by someone with DS or businesses that support people with DS #5 Read a book about DS to your child’s school #6 Perform a random act of kindness in honor of WDS #7 Share your story #8 Donate a book about DS #9 Send in a DS themed special treat #10 Get a lucky few tattoo or gear
Mama Bear Share: How do you celebrate WDS?