Terms and Policies

Twenty One Dandelions Disclaimer:

Thank you so much for visiting Twenty One Dandelions Mama Bear! I am SO glad you found me and I can’t wait for us to rock this special life! 

Quick reminder, although I am a Mom and fellow Mama Bear of a child with special needs I am not YOUR Mom. 

Twenty One Dandelions is a personal blog of my experience as a Mom and Mama Bear and how I try to rock this special life I was given.  The information presented throughout this blog is for entertainment and information purposes only and should not be mistaken as professional, health, financial, tax, legal, emotional, or any other type of advice.

You know you and your family best. 

By reading this blog, you acknowledge you are doing so of your own free will. You are taking and following the information provided at your own risk. You also acknowledge by reading this blog and using the information as you see fit you alone are responsible for your actions and decisions and that myself, Holly Mathe and Twenty One Dandelions, are not. 

Always consult a professional in the area for your and your children’s particular needs and circumstances prior to making any legal, financial, tax, or health related decisions.

The information provided on Twenty One Dandelions is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and based on our personal experiences as a family and my own as a Mama Bear.

Twenty One Dandelions does not offer any guarantees or pinky promises regarding the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information given. 

We do not guarantee results you may desire in your life or your children’s lives and we do not guarantee success in rocking this special life, however you may define this. 

Every time you utilize this website you agree to not hold myself, Twenty One Dandelions, or anyone working with us liable for any of your successes or failures directly or indirectly related to the information, reports, reviews, products and/or other services presented to you on this blog.

Testimonials may be included on my website, programs, products, and/or services. They are real world examples and stories from other Mama Bears.  They are not intended to serve as a guarantee of your success or similar outcome. Each Mama Bear, child with special needs, and family is different and results vary accordingly. I encourage you to perform your own due diligence and research. We also encourage positive comments from readings and abide by a non-liability of commentators policy. The site is not to be held responsible or liable for comments in the comments section of the blog.

I ask Mama Bears to be kind, respectful, and helpful when writing comments. 

Twenty One Dandelions, LLC is a website written and edited by yours truly and reflects my personal views and opinions, not those of my employer or any other organization I may be associated with. On the flip side of this, I am not responsible for the actions of any sponsors, advertisers, or blog commenters. If you purchase a product through a link from my blog, please take action with that company to resolve any issues that may arise, not the blog. 

Finally, just like the song says if it’s your party you can cry if you want to, it’s my blog and I can change it if I want to. I reserve the right to change the focus of my blog, sell it, change the terms of use, or shut it down as I see fit. 

Fair Use Disclaimer

Twenty One Dandelions may review products, online software, or services including, but not limited to, posting of product images from other websites and logos of manufacturers. In doing so, no copyright is claimed for this kind of content on the website and to the extent that it may appear to be infringed, I assert such an alleged infringement is permissible under the fair use principles of U.S. copyright laws. Please contact us if you believe any material has been used in an unauthorized manner. 

No Warranties

All content, information, products, and/or services on the website are “as is” and “as available” with no warranties that the website or information provided will perform and operate to meet your requirements or the information presented will be complete, current, and error-free. 

Limitation of Liability

Every time you utilize this website you agree in no event shall myself, Twenty One Dandelions, nor any of its officers, directors or employees be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this website directly or indirectly. 


You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent the Company and its officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners, or anyone else working with us from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenses arising in any related to actions or omissions, whether done negligently or otherwise, by you, your agents, directors, officers, employees or representatives; your actions and use of our websites including purchasing programs, products and services; violation of any laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by you; or violation of any terms and conditions of this websites by you or anyone related to you; infringement by you or any other user of your account of any intellectual property or other rights of anyone.

Twenty One Dandelions Disclosures:

Twenty One Dandelions is a source of income and because of this may accept forms of paid advertising including sponsorship, cash advertising, affiliate links, or other forms of compensation.

The compensation received will not prevent me from sharing and giving readers and followers my honest opinion, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the topics or products. All posts, views, and opinions throughout this blog are my own, unless otherwise clearly stated in the case of a guest writer.

I will only choose to promote products, services, and businesses I believe will be beneficial to Mama Bears and their families. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.


There may be affiliate links on this website. Twenty One Dandelions hopes to be a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If you choose to click on an affiliate link and choose to make a purchase through that link, Twenty One Dandelions will receive a commission. Please note, your purchase through the affiliate link does not cost you anything extra. We will place a notice at the top of the blog post or on the page to make you aware of affiliate links.

Take note Mama Bears, although I provide these affiliate links on the website for your convenience, I have no control over these external websites and they are responsible for their own content and information presented, not me. Therefore, Twenty One Dandelions, myself, and anyone else working with me or for me cannot be held liable or responsible for any content on these websites or for damages resulting from them.

This disclosure policy applies to all affiliate links on the website, social media, emails, programs, e-books, other products, and any other means of communication with you. 

Sponsored Posts

I may choose to include sponsored blog posts from time to time for products or services I think would benefit my reader base or that have been valuable in my own personal experience or use for myself or my family. I may receive incentives, discounts, compensation, or free products in exchange for my review and sponsored content.  As noted previously, I will always share and give my honest opinion, beliefs, findings, and experiences with my Mama Bear readers and their families. 

As always, you are encouraged to perform your own due diligence prior to any purchase and understand there is no guarantee or promise of any kind of results or successes for you and your family if you decide to use the same information, products, services, tips, and/or techniques offered on this website. 

Twenty One Dandelions Terms of Use:

Alrighty. Unless it is stated otherwise, I am the legal copyright holder of the material and pictures posted on the blog. My material may be used on peer blogs so long as it is linked to my blog and I am given credit. My pictures may be pinned on Pinterest and shared through Facebook and other forms of social media if I am given credit by linking to my blog. My content may not be published, copied, or reprinted without my consent. 

My Mama Bear readers are permitted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to assess and use the Website and the resources I have made available for download strictly in accordance with these Terms of Use. 

You agree to 

    Download a copy for your own personal use only

    Not to remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials

You agree as a condition of your use of the Website to abide by these Terms of Use to not in any manner damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Website or impede with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Website.