5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment

Picture of a stethoscope

Children with special needs tend to have a lot of medical appointments and when Max was little he was no exception. In addition to the run of the mill routine appointments with his pediatrician he was being seen by several specialists.

Often, these appointments were stressful.

Not only did I have to make myself and Max look presentable by showering and trying to avoid spit up stains on clothes, but I had to make sure the diaper bag was packed.

And by packed I mean packed with every little thing I could possibly think we may need during our time there.

In addition to looking presentable by showering and wearing spit up free clothing and having a well packed diaper bag, I needed a stroller, my purse, and a partridge in a pear tree. Just kidding. The partridge in a pear tree stayed home.

I had to double check the date and time, make sure I knew which medical office we were going to (um yes, I have shown up to the wrong office before), and then make sure we actually made it on time or as many offices request 10 minutes before our actual appointment time.

Apparently, they thought I could work miracles asking me to show up ten minutes early lugging Max, my purse, a well stocked diaper bag, to check-in.

If you’re a new Mom of a child with special needs and this is ringing true be sure to check out my blog post

3 Tips For The New Mom Of A Child With Special Needs

Anyway, I was exhausted by the time we stepped up to the receptionist and certainly a bit, shall I say, frazzled.

By the time were able to see the doctor or other medical professional for the actual visit I was ready for a nap!

When they stepped into the room I found myself frantically trying to think about all the things I wanted to discuss or worse…I couldn’t remember a dang thing other than the fact I was sweaty, tired, and had possibly left the garage door open in my hurry to get out the door!

These visits are important.

Medical appointments are our opportunity to share our concerns and observations about our child with a professional, learn more about a diagnosis, and develop a plan of how to move forward or confirm we are on the right track.

After leaving one or two appointments and then immediately thinking of the question I wanted to ask or the topic I wanted to get their opinion on I knew I had to make some changes.

Here are a few of my tips to make the most out of your child’s medical appointments.

Now remember Mama Bear, your family and your child with special needs are unique. Some of these things may work for you and some may not.

You are the expert on your child, your family, and you. Take away what you like and don’t worry about the rest.

Black stethoscope

Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment Tip #1 Send An Email Before The Visit

One of the fabulous things about technology is that it’s becoming easier to get in contact with professionals involved in your child’s care.

Most medical professionals will have an email patients can send a message to or a patient portal in which to send messages. This allows you to send a message with a few of your questions or concerns you would like to discuss at the appointment.

This is a great way to give your medical provider a bit of a “heads up”.

They have the opportunity to review your child’s medical chart well in advance of the actual visit and think about your questions as well as review anything they may need prior to the visit.

Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment Tip #2 Create A Medical Binder For Your Child And Bring It To Appointments

Trust me, you will not regret this.

Go buy a three ring binder with dividers and organize your child’s medical records in it. You can divide it however you would like, but I recommend having tabs for office visit notes, labs, procedures/testing, and then inpatient hospital records.

Keep a copy of your child’s insurance card in there as well as the business cards of any specialists they see.

I can’t tell you how much time this has saved us.

Yes, electronic medical records have certainly helped with access and the sharing of medical records, but there can still be issues.

For example, the different specialists or hospital systems may use a different type of electronic medical record system. Or perhaps one group is independently owned and they haven’t sent over the paper records needed by the provider your child is seeing right then and there.

You simply open up your child’s medical binder, pull out what is needed, and hand it to the person seeing your child. Make sure you get it back though!

Along with this remember to ask for copies of any testing, labs, or office visits from the provider seeing your child. If there’s an online patient portal and you have access to all of this print it out and place it in the binder.

I know some of you may be thinking “Why would I do that when I can just pull up the information on my phone?”

You never know when your phone may be low on battery or your signal is terrible and even though you have your phone you can’t pull up what you need.

Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment Tip #3 Make A List

Now, when I say make a list I do not mean you pull out a list that has a gazillion things on it.

Yes, this is your opportunity to talk with a professional and pick their brain, but you do need to be respectful of their time.

Think about the top three things you want to make sure you discuss together.

Write those down and make sure to discuss them. If there are more don’t be upset if you run out of time and can’t get to them. If they’re really important ask about scheduling another office visit or ask if you could follow up with an email or phone call.

Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment Tip #4 Be On Time

Yes, I absolutely understand the medical provider can keep you waiting.

Yes, it stinks.

When it happens to me I try to practice grace by reminding myself another patient must really need a few extra minutes.

If you are late to an appointment the medical provider you are seeing may be a bit rushed trying to stay on time. This is not making the most of your medical appointment.

I absolutely understand life happens. Your child with special needs may take a giant poop in their diaper just as you are heading out the door or there’s a car accident holding up traffic.

Whenever possible though, try to give yourself plenty of time to get there so you are on time and not the reason your medical appointment was rushed.

Get The Most Out Of Your Child With Special Needs Medical Appointment Tip #5 Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Don’t be intimidated.

If you don’t understand something ask the medical provider to explain it. If the medical provider gives you attitude then you may want to rethink seeing that particular provider.

So there you have it Mama Bears!

5 strategies to get the most out of you child with special needs medical appointments. I hope you found something that’s going to help you and your family rock this special life! These blog posts may help you rock it too…

Positive Parenting Solutions For The Special Needs Mom

A Mom’s Guide To Potty Training Your Child With Special Needs

How To Deal With Temper Tantrums: A Guide For The Special Needs Mom

Dandelion Tribe Takeaway: 5 tips to make the most out of your child with special needs medical appointments Tip #1 Send an email before your visit Tip #2 Create a medical binder for your child and bring it to appointments Tip #3 Make a list Tip #4 Be on time Tip #5 Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Mama Bear Share: What tips do you have to get the most out of your child’s medical appointments?


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