Twenty One Dandelions

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5 Journaling Tips, Ideas, And Reasons To Journal For The Special Needs Mom

I know you’re a busy special needs Mom. I also know journaling has many benefits as well as the positive impact it has had on my own life.

I understand it seems like even 5 minutes of journaling is time you don’t have. And coming up with journal ideas?

Forget it!

That’s why I’m here, your Mama Bear big sister! 

Hey Mama Bears, before you read more, full disclosure here. There are affiliate links in this post so if you click on the link and buy the product I will earn a small commission. Now that we’re clear on that let’s get back to rocking life with special needs!

I’m going to give you 5 reasons you need to start journaling as a special needs Mom AND 5 journaling ideas so you don’t have to waste precious time thinking about what to journal about! 

As with anything on TwentyOne Dandelions Mama Bear, read it, think about it, and then tweak it so it fits your life. You are the expert on you!

5 Reasons You Should Journal As A Special Needs Mom

Reason To Journal #1: Journaling Calms Anxiety 

Since I’ve become a Mom I’ve found journaling at night helps calm my mind.

As a Mom, especially as a special needs Mom, we experience so many emotions throughout the day. Some days I swear my neck hurts from the emotional whiplash of it all. 

From the spike of anxiety when I see the school is calling me, to the bittersweetness of watching my child try to swing on the swings like the other kids, to the pure rush of love I feel as I’m tucking him into bed.

There’s a whole smorgasbord of swirling emotions and thoughts inside this Mama Bear’s mind and heart. 

I have two journals next to my bed. Journaling before bed about the day helps me dump all of these emotions and thoughts onto the page so my mind feels less cluttered. The swirling thoughts and emotions become less swirly.

My second journal is a “To Do” journal which is simply a spiral bound notebook where I write all of the things I need to remember to do the next day.

After writing in my two journals I feel calmer and my brain feels emptier in a good way (I know a snarky comment may have popped into your brain after reading that last bit) so I can fall asleep quicker and easier. 

They’ve done studies and no joke Mama Bears, journaling helps with sleep!

Now this study showed that the “To Do” list journal helped with sleep so if you have limited time and have trouble with sleep I would start with this one!

Journaling Reason #2: Journaling Improves Your Immune System

We’re Moms. We’re special needs Moms. We know we don’t have the benefit of being able to lay in bed and nurse ourselves back to health when we get sick.

I don’t know about you, but I try to stay as healthy as I can and guess what?! Journaling has been shown to improve your immune health .

You’ve heard of eating an apple a day to keep the doctor away right? Try journaling every day!

Journaling Reason #3: Journaling Helps Process Emotions

I’ve been journaling off and on since I was a kid. I remember my very first diary. It was pink with a unicorn on the front and it had a lock on it so my pesky little brother couldn’t read about my deepest darkest secrets such as my crush on a boy in my class named Dustin. 

I didn’t realize it back then, but journaling was helping me process what I was feeling and better understand my emotions.

It allowed me the release I needed to express negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy without the worry of being viewed as a coward or shrew.

It allowed me to acknowledge positive emotions without the fear of being viewed as a braggart. 

Journaling improved my emotional intelligence and understanding of myself on a much deeper level. As I’ve aged I’ve continued to grow and change and have used journaling as a way to continue to know myself and who I am.

Every now and then I’ll go back and read old journals to remember just how much I have changed! 

Journaling Reason #4: Journaling Serves As A Memory Keeper

I’m a big fan of memories and memory keeping. Our day to day lives get so busy it’s hard to remember the special little moments sprinkled throughout our day.

I like to journal because it’s an emotional catharsis allowing me to process my emotions and help with anxiety, but it also serves as a keeper of my memories. 

First of all, the act of writing things down helps solidify it in your memory.

Even so, it’s easy to forget the details or maybe you would really need to dig deep to bring up a certain memory. By keeping a journal you have the advantage of having your memories at your fingertips. Simply grab the journal that corresponds to the time period you want, open it up, and read.

I always date my entries for easier navigation. 

Journaling Reason #5: Journaling Tracks Progress 

Journaling is a written record of your life and can help you track progress towards your goals, whatever they may be.

While writing down your goals doesn’t guarantee they’ll be achieved, it can increase your chances of reaching them.

The act of writing down your goals and then writing about your progress  helps keep it fresh in your mind. When something is fresh in your mind you’re more likely to take actions that will move you towards the desired outcome. 

When journaling I often write about things I’d like to achieve and things we’d like to achieve with the kids, particularly with Max.

I write about our progress, what’s working, what’s not working, how everyone is feeling about our progress and the process itself. By journaling I can go back and reference old entries which can be immensely helpful. 

Every year rather than creating new years resolutions I choose goals along with a word or phrase I would like to focus on.

By writing these in my journal it keeps it top of mind throughout the year since I’m journaling regularly.

It has really helped me make progress towards goals and meet them. If this kind of stuff really interests you may want to check out 

Creating A Life Map For Your Child With Special Needs

5 Reasons You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs

A New Mom’s Guide To Creating A Vision Statement And Life Map For Your Child With Special Needs. 

I also find journaling helps when I'm feeling hopeless or discouraged. This usually happens when I feel we’re not making any progress or I start comparing.

You know what they say Mama Bear…comparison is the thief of joy and they’re right!

Don’t compare yourself, your kids, your home, your life to others. It does nothing for you. 

Instead compare where you were or your kid was 5 years ago, 2 years ago, etc. When I go back and read about where Max was 5 years ago I am SO GRATEFUL for the progress we’ve made.

Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. 

5 Journaling Ideas For The Special Needs Mom

Journaling Idea #1: One Good Thing That Happened 

Maybe you found a five dollar bill in your coat pocket you didn’t know was there or maybe you managed to have coffee with a girlfriend or maybe you hit every green light on your way to work.

It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, try to find something good in your day and write about it. 

Journaling Idea #2: One Hard Thing That Happened 

Life is about balance. Light and dark, hot and cold, easy and hard. Just like there’s something good in your day there’s usually something that wasn’t.

Maybe you spilled your morning coffee, maybe you snapped at your kid and didn’t show up as you would like as a parent, or maybe you had to have a difficult conversation with a loved one or coworker.

Hard things are a part of life. Writing about them can help you blow off steam, work through the hard parts, as well as grow as an individual. 

Journaling Idea #3: Something You Are Grateful For

Have you ever heard the saying that a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles?

I love this saying and just recently discovered it. In my opinion, practicing gratitude is a key part of being a more joyful person and having a happier life.

Sometimes it doesn’t come easy, especially when you’re going through a messy middle or particularly hard patch in life. Gratitude is like a muscle though, the more you work it the bigger it becomes and the easier it is to practice it. Daily journaling is a great way to practice it. 

Journaling Idea #4: Something You Are Working Towards

Remember one of the reasons you should try journaling is because it helps track your progress towards goals you may have.

By writing about your goals it keeps them top of mind for you and you’re more likely to do things moving you closer towards your goals. So rather than wasting time binging a show you decide to write a blog post!

In order to track progress towards goals and keep them top of mind you have to write about them regularly. Write about personal goals you may have, goals the family may have, or goals your child is working towards such as goals with a therapist. Maybe your child is trying to learn how to zip their coat or learn the alphabet. Journal about it!

Journaling Idea #5: A Memory Of Your Child From The Day

Time with our children is precious. Yes, some days are an absolute slog and some days I just need a break from the kids. That’s ok. 

The days are long but the years fleeting is a saying that pierces my heart because it’s so true!

Now, as Mama Bears our situation may be a little different from the majority. Typically, kids grow up and move out of their parent’s home and into their own. Max may eventually move out of our home if he would like, but it’s not our plan.

I fully expect him to live with us forever, so maybe he’ll be with us forever, but he’s not a baby or a toddler or a happy go lucky ten year old anymore.

Each stage is unique and brings with it the good and the bad. I’m big on soaking it all in and creating memories. Journaling something about my kids whether it was something they said or something they did helps with this.

Journaling Tips For The Special Needs Mom

Journaling Tip #1: Get What You Need

In order to journal you’re going to need the tools to be able to do so. Now, you don’t have to get fancy. A spiral bound notebook will suffice or you can get fancier. That’s up to you.

I do recommend buying some nice pens though. I strongly dislike writing with a bad pen! If you don’t want to use pen and paper then go ahead and journal electronically. There are even journaling apps!

For me, I like the old school pen and paper. 

Journaling Tip #2: Keep Your Journal Close

The key to doing something consistently is to make it easy to do it. If you have to go searching for your journal and a pen you’re less likely to journal. I keep my journal and a pen next to my bed. I tend to journal before bed so this is the perfect set up for me. 

Journaling Tip #3: Keep A  List Of Journal Prompts

I’ve given you 5 ideas of what to journal about but if those things are starting to feel stale and you’re running out of enthusiasm for journaling, keep a list of journal prompts in your journal.

This way you can pick a prompt and journal about something new. I do enjoy journal prompts because they make me think about things I wouldn’t otherwise. Journal prompts are a great way to keep things fun and learn more about yourself!

Journaling Tip #4: Be Consistent

Be consistent with your journaling. If you can, journal every day. First thing in the morning or before bed are really good times to get in the habit of journaling.

I tend to journal at the end of the day. If you can’t journal every day then try to get in the habit of journaling on a certain day such as Sunday mornings. If you’re really struggling, consider setting a reminder to journal on your phone. 

Journaling Tip #5: Be Honest And Don’t Edit

Be honest in your journaling.

Write how you feel even if you think it’s embarrassing or not flattering. This is for your eyes only to help you. Don’t edit your thoughts and don’t worry about your writing. You don’t need complete sentences or for your writing to be grammatically correct.

So there you have it Mama Bears! 5 Reasons to journal, 5 journaling ideas, and 5 journaling tips!

If you loved this post check out ….

Journal Prompts For The Special Needs Mom

Available in the store. It’s full of journaling prompts specifically for us Mama Bears!

If you’re inspired to start journaling and need to buy a few things to get started then check this stuff out!

See this content in the original post

Dandelion Tribe Takeaway: 5 Reasons To Journal: #1 Calms Anxiety #2 Improves Immune Health #3 Helps Process Emotions #4 Serves As A Memory Keeper #5 Tracks Progress. 5 Journaling Ideas: #1 One Good Thing That Happened #2 One Hard Thing That Happened #3 Something You’re Grateful For #4 Something You’re Working Towards #5 A Memory Of Your Child. 5 Journaling Tips: #1 Get What You Need #2 Keep Your Journal Close #3 Keep A List Of Journal Prompts #4 Be Consistent #5 Be Honest And Don’t Edit

Mama Bear Share: Do you journal?