5 Reasons You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs


Your child needs a vision statement.

Everyone would benefit from a vision statement, but your child with special needs REALLY needs one.  

What’s a vision statement you ask?

A vision statement is what the name implies.  A vision of your child’s life. 

It starts with your vision and as your child with special needs ages you can and should involve them. To get started think about how you want your child’s life to look as an adult.  

Go ahead!  

Close your eyes and envision it.  

Where are they living? Are they working? Volunteering? What do they use for transportation? What do they do for fun? What don’t they like to do? 

Teen with Down Syndrome with his head on his hands gazing out at the world.

Write everything that pops into your head down! Do a brain dump. This is not the time to filter so if it comes to mind WRITE IT DOWN!  If your child is old enough be sure to get their input. After all, it’s their life! 

Once you're done brainstorming take a look at what you’ve got. Use all of that great information and all of those dreams to create a  vision statement for your child with special needs.  Use that vision statement as the compass and guide.  This is what you're aiming for.  This is the treasure location on your child’s life map.  

Share the vision statement!

Sharing the vision statement is SO important! People are not mind readers.  If you don’t share it, important people, who help you and your child with special needs, have no idea what the expectations are or the end game. 

Reason #1 You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs: It Provides Focus

The team is on the same page. Everyone understands what the goal is and can focus on achieving it.

Reason #2 You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs: It Conveys Your Core Values

Sharing your child’s vision statement will help the team better understand what is important to you, your child, and your family.  Is independence an important goal? Community involvement? Giving back and volunteering?  The answers are different for every family. 

Reason #3 You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs: It Helps With Decisions

There will be times you will be faced with difficult decisions.  Do we do this or do we do that? Refer to the vision statement! What’s the vision? Which choice is going to best help your child achieve the vision? Make the choice. 

Reason #4 You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs: It Holds The Team Accountable

When you share the vision statement and your vision everyone knows what the goal is and can monitor progress towards it.  Regular check ins help the team strategize to improve the chance of success.  And if it doesn’t look like your child is on the right track the team can brainstorm ideas to get him or her back on the path towards success. 

Reason #5 You Need To Create A Vision Statement For Your Child With Special Needs: It Helps When Times Are Tough

Let’s face it.  Life can be tough and life with special needs even tougher. 

You are going to face obstacles.  You are going to be disappointed, discouraged, and at times maybe even a little hopeless. 

Break out the vision statement and read it.  Remember why this is important to you, your child, and your family and get back to work!

Text written on a blue background reading "Vision is the Art of Seeing What is Invisible to Others"

Throughout your child’s life there are going to be many people on his team.  Some will only stay for a short time and some will be with you for years and years. You and your child are the team captains and a team works best when everyone knows what the goal is.  If the team doesn’t know what you and your child envision for his or her life, they can’t help you get there!

Lead the team and rock life with special needs!

Need more help creating a vision statement for your child? Check out

Creating A Life Map For Your Child With Special Needs

If you’re really into it and want more guidance check out

A New Mom’s Guide to Creating a Vision Statement and Life Map for your Child with Special Needs

Not only do I walk you through creating your child’s own unique vision statement I also lead you through developing the life map that’s going to help you achieve it!

Dandelion Tribe Take Away: A vision statement helps provide focus, conveys your values, helps with decisions, keeps the team accountable, and helps you stay focused when times get tough.

Mama Bear Share: What’s YOUR vision statement for your child?


Creating A Life Map For Your Child With Special Needs In Three Easy Steps


Setting Up An ABLE Account For Your Child With Special Needs